The SERATEC® LH MAX is a rapid test for the determination of human luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine. When LH is present in the sample, it is bound by specific antibodies immobilised at the test region of the membrane.
This complex is then made visible by binding another gold-labelled antibody, resulting in a coloured line. The intensity of the test result line depends on the
amount of LH in the urine sample
Available as:
Cat.No. LH-C1
Content: 5 single sealed Tests containing a plastic pipette, one manual
How reliable are the SERATEC® ovulation tests?
Studies show that the SERATEC® LH MAX reliably detects the LH maximum with over 99% agreement. If you do not get pregnant although you had intercourse during the “fertile days” it could have some normal reasons and you should not worry about it. If you do not become pregnant after several months, you may want to consult your physician.
I have problems to find out the starting day of the test series. How is it determined?
To determine the start of the test correctly you must know the length of your menstrual cycle. The first day the bleeding starts is counted as the first day of the cycle. The cycle lasts until the last day before the next bleeding of the following menstrual cycle occurs. Calculate the length of your cycles for the previous months. If there are slight variations (up to 4 days) take the mean. From the table on the first side of the instruction leaflet you can now see on what day of the cycle the test should begin.
Example: The normal length of your cycle is 28 days. The recommended starting day of the test series is the 11th day of your cycle (see table). Your last period started on June 5th.. Take a calendar and count 11 days starting from June 5th. You will see that the test series should be started on June 16th.
Is it necessary to compare the daily readings?
No. The control line (C) shows the same intensity of colour for each test, so that each test can be interpreted independently. Each daily reading tells you whether or not you are about to ovulate. If the test result line (T) shows a similar or darker colour than the control line (C) you have detected your LH surge. Ovulation should occur within 24-36 hours after the first positive result.
No, you can stop testing when you detect your LH surge and save the remaining tests for the next month, if necessary. However, if you are a first-time user, or if you are not sure whether you detected your LH surge, you may want to follow the rise and the fall of the LH level in your urine as depicted in the user instruction. This would reassure you in the prediction of ovulation.
What if the LH surge is not detected?
There are several explanations if you cannot detect an LH surge. One possibility is that you may not have ovulated in the particular month. This may occur occasionally, and it is normal. Another possibility is that you missed your LH surge and that it either occurred before or after the test series. This might be due to an irregular cycle or you may have miscalculated your menstrual cycle. You might want to continue testing with another test kit or start testing earlier in the next month. Also make sure that the urine sample was reliably collected. Different times of the day and irregular liquid uptake may interfere with the result of the test. If you continue to get readings that do not correspond to the expected results, please consult your physician.